Monster Mania Artist Commentary - Escaping The Quantum Realm

When I’m drawing on my iPad, I can zoom in 3200%, and get lost in the quantum realm. When I’m working on a Monster Mania drawing, I can easily become obsessed with all of the tiny little details and forget to “see” the whole drawing. 

With a painting, you can step back 10 or 20 feet and study the painting from a distance. From a distance you can see the painting fully. You ask yourself a dozen questions. Are all of those little details working together in harmony? Does the painting guide the eye the way you intended? Does the painting evoke the desired emotional response? After you finish asking all of the questions, you respond with more painting. You repeat this process over and over again until the painting reaches a conclusion. 

When I’m coloring a new Monster Mania drawing, I will often display the drawing on my computer screen and I will stare at the drawing from the comfort of my bed. I’ve found this is the best way for me to achieve that distance, and see the drawing objectively. This helps me put my mind into “critique mode” rather than “artist mode.” 

I often experiment with different color palettes and I use this method to decide which one best suits the drawing. I will display 2 or 3 color options together so I can easily compare the various options. 

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